Thursday, February 3, 2011

Royal Jelly

Are you becoming more and more health conscious these days? There are all types of natural products and supplements that have become popular amongst the populace only on the basis of hearsay and preliminary experiments. One of these is the Royal jelly is also called “bee’s milk” . Royal jelly has been slowly taking over the natural supplement product market all over the world.
Royal jelly has been extensively researched throughout the world, and can be beneficial when treating a plethora of conditions. So far, science suspects that royal jelly benefits include:
  • Cancer fighting. In Japanese research , royal jelly had unbelievable effects fighting sarcoma cells in cancer-transplanted mice. In those mice tested, royal jelly prolonged their lives and reduced the size of their tumors. Royal jelly also is believed to be of assistance to those patients who are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy to combat the side effects of these two cancer treatments and help the immune system to recover. Royal jelly may also help to rebuild the good cells that might be destroyed during treatment.
  • Depression. One of the benefits of royal jelly is its calming effect on those who are depressed, and in this way, royal jelly works as an anti-depressive. One of the hallmarks of depression is its effect on energy levels – which royal jelly helps to elevate.
  • Immune system. Royal jelly’s amino and gamma globulin helps to enhance the immune system’s ability to fight off infection and disease. In some studies, royal jelly was used as a strong antibiotic that could kill off many bacteria and microbes.
  • Fertility. Royal jelly is thought to boost fertility and provide faster conception, and also to combat impotence in men. In the hive, royal jelly is fed specifically to the queen bee – and she can produce as many as 2,000 offspring per day.
  • Aging. Royal jelly is thought to be a powerful anti-aging substance that combats wrinkles and keeps you feeling young and vital. Royal jelly’s strong antibacterial activity works to reverse the aging process of the skin – which is the reason that it is found in many facial and cosmetic products.

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